Nice to e-meet you!
I’m a freelance English Language Teaching (ELT) professional. I've been in the ELT industry for 25 years and now work as an author, speaker, project manager, and editor.
I qualified with International House (IH) and have taught for IH in Italy, Hungary, New Zealand, and the UK.
I then moved into ELT publishing and worked as a development editor at Pearson Education (Cutting Edge) and Oxford University Press (Headway and Exams).
I have a MSc in Applied Linguistics & Second Language Acquisition from the University of Oxford.
I've authored over twenty ELT course books from graded readers to escape games, and from IELTS to Secondary and best-selling course books:
Get Ready for IELTS, English for Life: Speaking, Gateway to the world, and Speak Your Mind.
Get Ready for IELTS was nominated for an ESU English Language Award and also won EL Gazette's Book of the Month.
I'm a fan of ALL things ELT, and am always happy to chat about issues related to education, linguistics, and publishing.
I'm also the Chair of the Society of Authors'
sit on the Society of Authors' Board of Directors.